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Interesting connections between Chinese and flavors


Flavors of food vary, sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, thick, light, fragrant or smelly. In Chinese, they are often associated with different life phenomena.


酸 (suān) sour

Both "寒酸" (hán suān) and "穷酸" (qiónɡ suān) mean "poor". "酸" also means "ache", as in "腰酸" (aching back). In addition, it can mean "distressed or grieved" extendedly as in "辛酸" (xīn suān, sad or miserable).


甜 (tián) sweet

"甜" is a pleasant flavor, so it means "nice" extendedly. For example, "清甜" (qīnɡ tián) refers to a clear and sweet voice; "笑起来甜甜的" (xiào qǐ lái tián tián de) means "a sweet and pleasant smile"; "甜到心里" means "a fairly pleasant experience".  


苦 (kǔ) bitter

"苦" is an unpleasant flavor, so it means "hardship" and "frustration" extendedly. Related words include "辛苦" (xīn kǔ, hard), "苦难" (kǔ nàn, suffering), "悲苦" (bēi kǔ, sad and painful), and "吃过很多苦" (chī ɡuò hěn duō kǔ, suffer a lot of hardships).


辣 (là) spicy

"辣" is an irritating flavor, so it is often used as a metaphor of hot temper, as in "泼辣" (pō là, shrewish) and "小辣椒" (xiǎo là jiāo, a shrewish girl). Also, as "辣" gives us the impression of "hot", it means "vicious or ruthless" extendedly, as in "心狠手辣" (xīn hěn shǒu là, cruel and merciless) and "毒辣" (dú là, sinister). 


淡 (dàn) light / mild

There are also a great number of words containing "淡". For example, "神情淡淡" (shén qínɡ dàn dàn, calm look) and "冷淡" (lěnɡ dàn, indifferently) refer to a cold attitude; "轻描淡写" (qīnɡ miáo dàn xiě) means "understatement". 


香 (xiānɡ) fragrant

"香" is a well popular flavor, so it means "be favored" extendedly. For example, "香饽饽" (xiānɡ bō bo) means "a favorite or welcome person/thing". In addition, "香" can also mean "good", as in "睡得很香"  (shuì dé hěn xiānɡ, have a good sleep).


臭 (chòu) smelly

"臭" is a disgusting flavor, so it means "disgusting and disgraceful" extendedly, as in "摆什么臭架子" (bǎi shén me chòu jià zi, put on frills), "臭美" (chòu měi, smug ), and "臭骂一顿"  (chòu mà yí dùn, curse roundly)


Related article: Interesting connections between Chinese and tableware

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