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Planning to give birth to a baby in Year of the Monkey?

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Do you feel like giving birth to a baby in the Year of the Monkey?

"猴" or "monkey" is ranked ninth in the Chinese twelve zodiac signs. Why was it selected from a number of animals?
猴是中国十二生肖排行第九的动物, 它为什么能从众多动物中脱颖而出入选十二生肖之列呢?

According the folklore, "猴" was selected out of the strong recommendation by the tiger to the Heavenly King. As the king of beasts in China, the tiger had been selected in the list early by the Heavenly King. However, it was trapped in a hunting net when looking for food someday. The monkey happened to see it and thought out a smart way to help it out. It felt grateful about the monkey and recommended the monkey in reward.

The twelve zodiac signs all have their symbolic meanings and imply the ancient Chinese people's expectations for good things. The monkey is one of the favorite zodiac signs by Chinese people, as it symbolizes wisdom and smartness. The newly-married couples would choose to give birth to a baby in the Year of the Monkey, wishing that their baby would be as wise and smart as the monkey.

On Jan., 16, 2016, the National Bureau of Statics of China said in its report that 16,550,000 babies was born and registered in 2015, 320,000 less than the number in the previous year, which was caused  as 2015 was the Year of the Sheep and most women avoided pregnance and expecting the coming of the Year of the Monkey, according to some experts. Coincidently, the Chinese government put an end to its decades-long "one-child policy" on Jan.1, 2016 and allowed all couples to have two children. With these two factors combined, it is commonly believed that there will be a baby boom in China in 2016. These babies born in the Year of the Monkey are believed to benefit China's continuing demographic dividends in the future.

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