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5 phrases to express certainty in Chinese

certainty in Chinese, learning Chinese

When you want to answer questions from others positively, what else can you use except the basic phrases like "是的" (shì de, yes) or "可以" (kě yǐ, OK)? Here are five useful and common phrases to express certainty in Chinese.



那还用说 (nà hái yòng shuō)


"那还用说 (nà hái yòng shuō)" is used in a conversation to express certainty, meaning "no need to explain as the reason is obvious". It gives the hearer a positive answer. For example:



A: 我能借用一下你的自行车吗?

wǒ néng jiè yòng yī xià nǐ de zì xíng chē ma?

May I borrow your bike?

B: 那还用说,给,这是车钥匙。

nà hái yòng shuō, gěi, zhè shì chē yào shí.

Definitely! Here is the key.


没说的 (méi shuō de)


"没说的 (méi shuō de)" is a common phrase to express certainty in a conversation, meaning "no problem". It is used as a positive reply to someone's request, which can also be said as "没的说".



A: 你可以打电话叫人帮忙吗?

nǐ kě yǐ dǎ diàn huà jiào rén bāng máng ma?

Can you call someone to help us?

B: 没说的,我马上打电话联系。

méi shuō de, wǒ mǎ shàng dǎ diàn huà lián xì.

Sure. I am making the call right now.


有的是 (yǒu de shì)


Used as a reply in a conversation, "有的是 (yǒu de shì)" means "have plenty of…". When the speaker believes there are plenty of something, he or she can give a definite reply using "有的是 (yǒu de shì)". For example:



A: 这种尺码的外套还有吗?

zhè zhǒng chǐ mǎ de wài tào hái yǒu ma?

Is there any coat of this size available?

B: 放心吧,有的是!

fàng xīn ba, yǒu de shì!

I assure you there are plenty of them.


多的是 (duō de shì)


Similar to "有的是 (yǒu de shì)", "多的是 (duō de shì)" means "a lot" or "plenty". However, "有的是 (yǒu de shì)" is usually used to answer questions like "有没有", while "多的是 (duō de shì)" is used for questions like "有多少" or "多不多". For example:



A: 蛋糕还有多少?

dàn gāo hái yǒu duō shǎo?

How many cakes left?

B: 多的是!

duō de shì!

Plenty of them!


还别说 (hái bié shuō)


"还别说 (hái bié shuō)" is a positive reply when the speaker thinks someone's opinion or proposal sounds reasonable. "您 (nín)" or "你 (nǐ)" can be added before "还别说 (hái bié shuō)" and phrases like "是那么回事 (shì nà me huí shì)" can be put after it to show agreement. For example:




(nǐ) hái bié shuō, xiǎo lǐ de xiǎng fǎ hái zhēn yǒu diǎn ér dào lǐ.

Indeed, Xiao Li's idea sounds kind of reasonable.

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