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Interesting connections between Chinese and tableware

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In Chinese, some words and phrases related to food or tableware are used as metaphors for various social phenomena.



碗 (wǎn) Bowl


"碗" is a kind of tableware used to serve food or water. Based on the materials, there are "泥饭碗" (ní fàn wǎn, clay bowl), "铁饭碗" (tiě fàn wǎn, iron bowl) and "金饭碗" (jīn fàn wǎn, gold bowl). Metaphorically, "泥饭碗" refers to an unstable job, "铁饭碗" refers to a stable job, and "金饭碗" a well-content job.



刀 (dāo) Knife


"刀" is a tool used for cutting in the kitchen. It is often used metaphorically in Chinese. For example, in the idiom "刀子嘴,豆腐心" (dāo zi zuǐ, dòu fu xīn), "刀子嘴" means "sharp-tongued", while "豆腐心" means "tender-hearted". "游刃有余" (yóu rèn yǒu yú) literally means "handle a butcher's cleaver skillfully" and figuratively "do a job with skill and ease". "刀山火海" (dāo shān huǒ hǎi) literally means "mountains of swords and seas of flames" and is used as a metaphor for "the most dangerous and difficult places".



勺 (sháo) Spoon


"勺" is often used metaphorically in Chinese as well. For example, "一勺烩" (yì sháo huì) literally means "braising all foods in one pot" and metaphorically "handle different things in the same way" or "capture all in one net"; "漏勺" (lòu sháo) or "strainer" means "mindless or scatterbrained in doing something".




瓶 (pínɡ) Bottle


"瓶" is a kind of container. "五味瓶" (wǔ wèi pínɡ, cruet) is a metaphor for "mixed feelings". "新瓶装老酒" (xīn pínɡ zhuānɡ lǎo jiǔ) literally means "old wine in a new bottle" and metaphorically "change in outer appearance but not in nature".



盘、碟 (pán, dié) Dish


"盘" and "碟" are also used metaphorically in many cases. For example, "杯盘狼藉" (bēi pán lánɡ jí) means "wine cups and trays scattered around in disorder after a dinner"; "小菜一碟" (xiǎo cài yì dié) means "a piece of cake".



锅 (ɡuō) Pot


"锅" is a cooker. It has a number of metaphoric and extensional uses. For example, "吃大锅饭" (chī dà ɡuō fàn) is a metaphor for "egalitarianism"; "吃着碗里的,看着锅里的" (chī zhe wǎn lǐ de, kàn zhe ɡuō lǐ de) describes someone that is greedy; "打破砂锅问到底" (dǎ pò shā ɡuō wèn dào dǐ) means "insist on getting to the bottom of something" or "trivial pursuit"; "找米下锅" means "try to solve problems on one's own initiative".



灶 (zào) Kitchen range


"灶" is often used metaphorically as well. For example, "开小灶" (kāi xiǎo zào) refers to "a special treatment"; "另起炉灶" (lìnɡ qǐ lú zào) means "start all over again".


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