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10 hottest Chinese buzzwords in 2015



1. 获得感 Sense of gain


"获得感 (huò dé gǎn)" originally means a sense of satisfaction people have with the benefits they've gained. On February 27th, Chinese President Xi Jinping said at the 10th meeting of the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Continuing Reform that "scientific arrangements should be made for various reform tasks and concrete measures that are endorsed by the public are needed in comprehensively deepening reform, in order to let the public actually feel the progress and the benefits". Thus, the phrase "获得感" caught on and referred in particular to the happiness felt by the public when they share the fruits of reform and development.



2. 互联网+ Internet plus


互联网+ (Internet Plus) is the integration of the Internet with social and economic factors of production. The concept was first unveiled by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang in his government work report on March 5th, 2015. When delivering the report, the premier said, "China will develop comprehensive ‘Internet Plus' action plan". From then on, the phrase "互联网+" has been widespread.



3. 颜值 Face score


"颜" (yán) means "appearance", while 值 (zhí) is "numerical value". Combination of the two words "颜值 (yán zhí, face score)" is an indicator of people's appearance. Therefore, phrases such as "颜值高 (yán zhí gāo, high appearance score), "颜值爆表 (yán zhí bào biǎo , the numerical value of her face goes off the charts)" "颜值暴跌 (yán zhí bào diē, the numerical value of her face slumps)" are coined.



4. 宝宝 Baby


宝宝 comes from the Internet catchphrase "吓死宝宝了" meaning "I am scared to death". Here, 宝宝 means "me" rather than "babies". It is often used coquettishly by the frightened females. Besides, "宝宝" can also be a term of endearment between lovers.



5. 创客 Maker/ Creator


"创" means "to create", and "客" refers to a person who works on a particular event. 创客 are those innovative people who spare no efforts to make their ideas a reality. It is translated from the English word "Mak-er"- the name of an experiment project with innovation as its ideal, customer as its center, and individual design and invention as its core. The students participating in the project are "创客". Now, 创客 refers especially to those who have innovative ideas and start their own business.



6. 脑洞大开 Greatly enrich one's mind



脑洞大开 derives from the phrase "脑补" which has a close relationship with Japanese anime. "脑补" means that the viewers conjures up the plot by imagination, while "脑洞" refers to the "cave" in one's brain that he/she needs to fill by imagination. "脑洞大开" means unrestrained and even ridiculous imagination.


7. 任性 Capricious/Willful


Originally, 任性 is a derogatory term meaning "to be willful and unrestrained", for example, 任性妄为 (to act in an arbitrary and reckless manner). However, with its prevalence, it takes on such positive connotations, as "innocent and casual", "dare to do everything" and "to be courageous enough to undertake the responsibility".



8. 剁手党 Hands-chopping people


剁手党, also known as "剁手族", "剁手帮", refers to a group of people (mostly women) who are addicted to online shopping.



9. 网红 Internet celebrity



网红, an abbreviation  of 网络红人, refers to the internet celebrities, who are products of the network age. Their personalities live up to the common standard of beauty or ugliness judgment in the cyber world, and thus win the support from numerous netizens, rationally or irrationally.


10. 主要看气质 Focus on aura


主要看气质 (zhǔ yào kàn qì zhì, it's all about aura) is a phrases emphasizing that the aura rather than the appearance matters. It goes viral in late 2015.


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