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How to use “随着…而…”


English sentences with structures like "as A does X, B does Y" can be quite tricky to translate into Mandarin.

They usually contain 'as' or 'with', and express related situations or causal relationships.

The Mandarin 随着…而… structure is very useful for expressing this.

The general format is like this:

[NP] 随着 [NP] 而 [VP]

(NP is 'noun phrase', VP is 'verb phrase')

The difficulty is that it doesn't mirror the English equivalent exactly. In English, the causal event can be expressed with a verb or a noun, whereas in this Mandarin structure it can only be expressed with a noun. For example, in English it might be:

"As global warming increases, sea levels get higher and higher."

But this would have to be rendered with a noun in the Mandarin 随着 structure:


i.e. "With the increase of global warming, sea levels get higher and higher."

More examples:


Hánguó suízhe cháoxiǎn de wài huàn ér zài biānjiè fùjìn jíjié jūnduì. 

As North Korea displays aggression, South Korea concentrates its forces near the border. 


Xuéxí yǔyán suízhe Skype de fāxíng ér biàn děi gèng róngyì. 

With the release of Skype, studying languages has become easier.


Shù shàng de yèzi suízhe dōngtiān de dàolái ér diàoxià qù. 

With the arrival of winter, the leaves on the trees fall down.


Wǒ de shēnghuó suízhe shíjiān de tuīyí ér biàn děi yuèláiyuè huài. 

As time goes on, my life gets worse and worse.

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