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Third-person pronouns in Chinese: “他, 她, 它”

他, 她, 它, Chinese third pronouns, learning Chinese

The most common pronouns in English are "he, she, and it." In the Chinese language, those three become the following: 他, 她, and 它. They are all pronounced "tā."


他 (tā): This is the most frequently used pronoun. Even though it's used in place of "him," it is somewhat of a gender-neutral pronoun. It can be used when the gender of a certain person is unclear, such as:



tā huì tán gāng qín ma?

Does he or she play piano?

It is also used as "they/them" in "他们" (tā men).


她 (tā): equivalent to "she/her."


它 (tā): Equivalent to "it." This often refers to objects or animals.


Generally, the context of the sentence will help you determine the gender of the speaker or subject. This is not always the case, however. When in doubt, stick with "他."


Since all pronouns have the same pronunciation (tā), you may be wondering: "How can I tell what gender the person is referring to in a listening exercise?" Indeed, if you hear the word tā, it may be difficult to conclude if the speaker is talking about a boy, a girl, or an animal. However, as we mentioned, you can usually make an educated guess based on context.

既然所有的代词都是同样的发音tā,那你就有疑问了:“究竟在听力练习中该如何判断人物的性别呢?” 确实,要是你听到tā,很难判断说话者是在谈论男孩、女孩或是动物。不过,如上所述,通常你可以根据语境据理推测。

Translated from: tutorming

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