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Chinese slang term: 靠谱


If someone attempts to persuade you that aliens have invaded the Earth or President Obama had a surgery to remove an extra pinkie, you can tell them, "你这个人不靠谱" (Nǐ zhège rén bù kàopǔ. You're so ridiculous!”

如果有人试图让你相信外星人已经入侵地球了或者奥巴马总统做了一个切除第六根手指的手术,你就可以对他们说“你这个人不靠谱 (Nǐ zhège rén bù kàopǔ)”,英文意思为“You're so ridiculous!”

Now, a friend estimates that it might take an hour to fight your way through Beijing's ugly traffic. "Kaopu, it's likely." you say, agreeing this seems like a valid guess (靠谱,好像是这样。Kào pǔ, hǎoxiàng shì zhèyàng). Indeed, the "kaopu-bility" (靠谱度 kàopǔdù) of this assertion is quite strong.

如果在北京,有个朋友说交通拥堵的时候你得花一个小时才能到家,且你同意他的观点,你就可以说“靠谱,好像是这样。(Kào pǔ, hǎoxiàng shì zhèyàng)”。确实,这个观点的“靠谱度(kàopǔdù)”非常高。

"靠谱 (kào pǔ)" is a slang term commonly used on a daily basis by Chinese people. It originates from northern China and literally means "to be reliable", "to be worthy of trust" or "to be authentic". It is used to refer to a person or something that one believes to be trustworthy. Conversely, "不靠谱 (bú kào pǔ)" means the opposite. 

在日常生活中,中国人常用“靠谱(kào pǔ)”这个词。该词来自北方方言,英文字面意思为“to be reliable”,“to be worthy of trust”或“to be authentic”,通常用于指某人或某事可信。靠谱的反义词为“不靠谱”。

For example:



zuó tiān wǎn shàng wǒ děng nǐ dào shí diǎn.

Xiao Li: 昨天晚上我等你到10点。

Last night, I waited for you until 10 pm.

duì bú qǐ wǒ bú shì gù yì fàng nǐ gē zǐ de.

Lulu: 对不起,我不是故意放你鸽子的。

Sorry, I didn't mean to stand you up.

tài bú kào pǔ le wǒ yào hé nǐ jué jiāo.

Xiao Li: 太不靠谱了,我要和你绝交!

You are totally unreliable. Our relations end here!

"靠谱 (kào pǔ)" is an adjective to describe a person or a thing. If you trust a person, you can say,"他是个靠谱的人 (tā shì gè kào pǔ de rén, He is a reliable person)". If you think a task can be finished with a very high success rate, you can say "这个方案非常靠谱 (zhè gè fāng àn fēi cháng kào pǔ, This plan is very reliable)". In the following dialogue, the opposite word "不靠谱" is used to describe a person as being unreliable because they did not show up for a pre-arranged meeting. 

“靠谱”是个形容词,用于描述某事或某人。如果你信赖某人,你可以说“他是个靠谱的人”(He is a reliable person)。如果你认为某项任务可以成功完成,你可以说“这个方案非常靠谱”(This plan is very reliable)。如果某人没有按约定出现,不可信赖,你就可以说他“不靠谱”。

As slang normally goes, Beijing's youth appears more in command of the expression. While the older folks will catch your drift, they might also have a chuckle over this unfamiliar pairing of characters. In their case, "可靠" (Kěkào) would be the more refined alternative for this term.

“不靠谱”这个词在北京年轻人之间非常流行。虽然有些年纪大的人可能会赶潮流能用这个词,但他们也可能会对其付之一笑,因为他们对该词并不熟悉。对他们来说,他们更倾向于用“可靠”(Kěkào) 这个词。

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