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我想” vs “我觉得”


Like "I know", "I think" is one of the very first phrases learned when studying a foreign language. In Chinese, there are two phrases with much overlap that can both be translated as "I think" – 我想 and 我觉得.

学习一门新的语言时,首选需要掌握的就是表示“I know”及“I think”等意思的词语。汉语中,“我想”和“我觉得”都可以翻译为“I think”,他们的意思在大程度上是重叠的。

Today, let's try to make sense of these two. This is an especially difficult distinction to spell out, as each has meanings beyond simply "I think". We'll explain each, give simple example sentences.

今天,我们将厘清这两个词的用法。除了有“I think”的意思之外,它们各自都还有其他的意思。两者之间的区别很难讲清楚。在这里,我们将通过例句解释其区别。

1. 我想 (wǒ xiǎng)


Definition: I think, I reckon, I hope, I miss

英文解释:I think, I reckon, I hope, I miss


There are many meanings of this one humble phrase. First, at it's core, 我想 means simply "I think". More precisely, it corresponds more to "I reckon", "I imagine", or "I suppose". It is usually used to indicate you believe or speculate something to be true, but haven't verified with evidence.

“我想”表示谦逊,有许多意思。它主要的意思是“I think”。准确地说,它与英文中的“I reckon”, “I imagine”或 “I suppose”意思更为相近。当你认为或猜测某事但没有证据证明的时候,通常用“我想”。




ràng wǒ xiǎng yīxi.


Let me think for a moment.


wǒ xiǎng míng tiān kě néng huì xià yǔ.


I suppose it might rain tomorrow.


zhè bǐ wǒ xiǎng de gèng hǎo.


This is better than I imagined!


Second, 我想 can also mean "I want" or "I would like to". Similar to, but not completely synonymous with 我要, 我想 can show your wish or hope for something to occur.

“我想”的意思也可以为“I want”或“I would like to”。在这里,“我想”和“我要”的意思相似,但并不完全等同,“我想”暗指希望某事发生。



wǒ xiǎng fēnshǒu.


I want to break up.


Nǐ xiǎng chī jiù chī ba.


If you want to eat, just eat!


Finally, the third major use of 我想 is to show you miss, yearn, or long for something.

“我想”的第三种意思是表示思念或渴望某事或某物,和英文中的“miss”,“yearn”或“long for”意思一样。




wǒ zài guó wài tè bié xiǎng jià rén.


I really miss my family when I'm abroad.


2. 我觉得 (wǒ jué de)


Definition: I think, I feel

英文解释:I think, I feel


The first use of 我觉得 indicates you are expressing a falsifiable opinion or assertion. You have mulled over a set of facts and have settled on a conclusion. It is your opinion or judgment, and it is settled in your mind.




wǒ jué de zhōng wén hěn nán xué.


I think studying Chinese is hard.


wǒ jué de zhè tiáo qún zi hěn hǎo kàn.


I think this skirt is really nice.


wǒ jué de zhè jiā cān tīng hěn hào chī, nǐ jué de ne?


I think this restaurant is great, what do you think?


Second, 我觉得 can also be used to express a feeling, sensation, or perception. Whether you feel hungry, tired, scared, or excited, let the world know using 我觉得.





wǒ jué de yǒu diǎn lěng.


I feel a bit cold.

zǎo cān méi yǒu chī, xiàn zài wǒ jué de hǎo è a.


I didn't eat breakfast, now I feel so hungry!


wǒ yuè xiǎng zhè jiàn shì qíng, yuè jué de shāng xīn.

我越想这件事情, 越觉得伤心。

The more I think about this, the more hurt I feel.


So…Remember this!



1) Simplistically, think of 我想 as a hybrid of the English "I believe" and "I would like".  Similarly, think of 我觉得 as a mix of "I think" and "I feel". As a rule of thumb, in the context of "I think", 我想 is your "gut feeling", where 我觉得 is more your reasoned judgment.

简单来讲,“我想”的主要意思是“I believe”和“I would like”。“我觉得”的主要意思就是“I think”和“I feel”。当两者的意思都表示“I think”的时候,“我想”指的是你内心的感觉,而“我觉得”则指的是你经过理性思考之后的观点。

2) Both have other meanings beyond "I think". You are sure to encounter the different meanings of each word in beginner texts.

除了有“I think”的意思之外,两者都有其他的意思。作为初学者,你肯定会在课本里遇到这两个词其他不同的意思。

In addition to "I think"… 我想 means "I would like" or "I miss", 我觉得 means "I feel". 

除了有“I think”的意思外,“我想”也表示“I would like”或“I miss”,“我觉得”表示“I feel”。

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