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10 common adjectives in Chinese – 2


6. 麻烦 (Annoying)

Alright, it's not cute, not funny and not just awkward—you hate it. It's annoying, 麻烦 (má fán).

好吧,它不可爱,也不可笑,也不尴尬-你讨厌它。它很麻烦(má fán)。


zuò gōng chē hěn má fán


Taking the bus is so annoying.

麻烦 describes things or situations that are time-consuming, inefficient and bothersome.


You can also use 烦人 (fán rén), which means irritating.

你还可以用“烦人(fán rén)”这个词。烦人的英文意思为irritating。

For example:


āi yā, nǐ zhēn de hěn fán rén.


Man, you are so annoying!

哎呀 is another famous Chinese expression. Depending on the context, it can mean everything from "oh no", "oh man", "oh my goodness" and "yikes" to even "ewww…"

“哎呀”在中文里是一个叹词。根据语境,“哎呀”可以翻译成“oh no”,“oh man”,“oh my goodness”,“yikes”甚至“ewww…”

麻烦你 (má fán nǐ) is a polite way to ask someone for a favor. It means, "May I bother you?"

在请他人帮忙的时候,你可以用“麻烦你 (má fán nǐ)”表示礼貌。“麻烦你”可翻译为“May I bother you”。

7. 可怕 (Scary)

可怕 (kě pà) can mean ghost-like scary, or dangerous-scary.

可怕(kě pà)可以指鬼怪可怕或危险可怕。

For example:


zhè duàn xīn wén hěn kě pà.


This piece of news is really scary.

Another way of saying scary is 恐怖 (kǒng bù), which is like horrible.

恐怖(kǒng bù)是表示“可怕”的另一个词语。

For example:


zhè gè guài shòu hěn kǒng bù.


This monster is really horrible.

恐怖片 (kǒng bù piān) are horror movies. Some people think Asian horror movies are scarier than American horror films, but that's actually not the case. Whereas American horror films tend to feature monsters and gore, Asian horror films usually deal with death and the supernatural.

恐怖片(kǒng bù piān)就是英文中的horror movies。有人认为亚洲的恐怖片比美国的恐怖片更加可怕,但实际上并非如此。美国的恐怖片倾向于以怪兽和杀戮为主题,而亚洲的恐怖片则是以死亡和鬼怪为主题。

8. 臭 (Stinky)

Here's a descriptor that requires your sense of smell: 臭 (chòu). You'll want to know this one in case you ever happen upon your roommate's stinky socks, or if someone farts in the room.

臭 (chòu) 是表示嗅觉的一个词。要是你室友的袜子很臭,或有人在房间里放屁,你就需要用到这个词了。



bài tuō, nǐ de wà zi zhēn de hěn chòu.

拜托, 你的袜子真的很臭!

My goodness, your socks are really stinky!

Stinky tofu, 臭豆腐 (chòu dòu fǔ), is a special snack in China and a popular street food. It's really fermented tofu. Just like blue cheese, you usually need an acquired taste to appreciate stinky tofu.

臭豆腐 (chòu dòu fǔ) 实际上是发酵了的豆腐,是中国的一种特色街边小吃。和蓝奶酪一样,你只有习惯臭豆腐的味道,才能享受它的美味。


9. 烂 (Awful)

烂 translates to "rotten", and is used to describe poor-quality, shoddy stuff. It's similar to saying, "It sucks."

“烂(làn)”字面英译为“rotten”,通常用于描述某东西质量很差、低劣。和英文中的“It sucks”有异曲同工之妙。



zhè tái diàn nǎo hěn làn, hěn kuài jiù huài le.

这台电脑很烂, 很快就坏了。

This computer sucks. It broke down so quickly.

You can also use 坏 (huài) to describe something bad or awful. 坏人 (huài rén) means bad guy.

你还可以用“坏(huài)”来描述某东西很差。坏人的英文意思就是bad guy。

10. 很棒 (Awesome)

很棒 (hěn bàng) means great or awesome. It's also an excellent way to encourage or compliment someone, equivalent to giving them a thumbs up.

“很棒 (hěn bàng)”的英文意思为“great”或“awesome”。这个词可以用来鼓励或赞扬某人,和竖大拇指所表达的意思是一样的。



nǐ hěn bàng.


You're awesome!

zhè jiā cān tīng de huǒ guō hěn bàng.


This restaurant's hot pot [Chinese cuisine] is so awesome.

With the above stash of great descriptors, you can carry on many Chinese conversations and describe all sorts of everyday things and events.


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