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Differences between Chinese and English


There are some basic major differences between English and Chinese. It is important to be aware of the major differences between the two languages in order to reduce your mistakes in Chinese and also to make your expression in Chinese much better and fluent.

英语和汉语之间存在着一些基本的主要差异。 为了在学中文时少犯错、使你的中文表达更好更流利,了解这些主要差异是很重要的。


1. English emphasizes the structure, while Chinese focuses on the meaning.



In English, it is very common to see one long sentence with long modifier, and use of pronouns like “we”, “she”, “they” in addition to “that” and “which”, to avoid recurrences. The sentence may be long and complicated, but it is still clear enough to understand. In Chinese, the situation is very different where a long sentence in Chinese would be very complicated and cannot be understood properly. Therefore, in Chinese we can only find short sentences or long sentences divided to short phrases separated by comma.



English sentences are usually long and Chinese sentences are usually short. Let’s look at some examples here:



A. The sights of Beijing are so numerous that one can spend several weeks here and leave without having seen all of the important ones.


(běi jīng de míng shèng hěn duō ,yī gè rén jiù shì zài zhè ér dāi shàng jǐ gè xīng qī ,lí kāi shí yě méi néng bǎ zhǔ yào de jǐng diǎn kàn wán。)


B. The Great Wall traverses plains and mountains being at some points 1,300 meters above sea level. The wall averaged 7.8 meters in height and 5.8 meters in width at the top.


(cháng chéng kuà yuè píng yuán gāo shān ,zài mǒu xiē dì fāng hǎi bá 1,300mǐ ,píng jūn gāo 7.8mǐ ,dǐng kuān 5.8mǐ。)


2. In English the passive voice is very commonly used. Unlike English, Chinese usually uses the active voice.



There are ways to show the passive tense in Chinese, and there are more specific words you would use to show that. So let’s take a look at some examples of the Chinese active voice to translate English passive voice:



A. Tea is drunk widely all over the world.


(shì jiè gè dì rén men dōu hē chá)


B. Sometimes the tables were laid outside in the gardens of stately homes.


(yǒu shí yě bǎ cān zhuō bǎi dào háo mén dà zhái de huā yuán lǐ)


C. Parties are held when the weather is nice.


(tiān gōng zuó měi shí kě yǐ kàn dào xún cháng bǎi xìng jiā de yě cān)


D. Bananas are widely believed to grow on trees.


(pǔ biàn rèn wéi xiāng jiāo shì jié zài shù shàng de guǒ shí)


It must be pointed out that… 必须指出….(bì xū zhǐ chū)

It must be admitted that… 必须承认…(bì xū chéng rèn)


It is imagined that… 人们认为….(rén men rèn wéi)


It cannot be denied that… 不可否认…….(bú kě fǒu rèn)


3. In Chinese, idioms and short four characters expressions are very widely used to make the expression more vivid, live and compact.



English is not so rich in this kind of short idioms and expressions. In English, idioms are used scarcely because it tends be more specific and direct. Here are some to read and compare:



A. Sincere Buddhists take vows of celibacy and abstinence from meat and wine, wearing no fur or woolen garments and shave their heads.


(qián chéng de sēng rén lì shì jìn yù ,bú zhān jiǔ ròu ,bú zhuó pí máo ,xuē fà xiū xíng。)


B. China is a vast country.


(zhōng guó dì yù liáo kuò。)


C. He always looks very funny.


(tā de yàng zi zǒng shì huá jī kě xiào。)


D. In retrospect, the past 100 years of human existence have been extremely fantastic and extremely frightening as well.


(huí shǒu guò qù yī bǎi nián ,rén lèi shì jiè kě shuō jīng cǎi jué lún ,dàn yě jīng xīn dòng pò。)


4. English widely uses abstract nouns while Chinese usually uses concrete nouns.



Disintegration 土崩瓦解 (tǔ bēng wǎ jiě)

Land slides and tiles disintegrate


Total exhaustion 筋疲力尽 (jīn pí lì jìn)

The muscles are weary and the strength has been used up


Careful consideration 深思熟虑(shēn sī shú lǜ)

Deep thinking and careful thought


Perfect harmony 水乳交融(shuǐ rǔ jiāo róng)

Mix well like milk and water


Feed on fancies 画饼充饥(huà bǐng chōng jī)

To allay one’s hunger using a picture of a cake


With great eagerness 如饥似渴(rú jī sì kě)

Like hunger as thirst


Lack of perseverance 三天打鱼,两天晒网(sān tiān dǎ yú ,liǎng tiān shài wǎng)

Spent three days fishing and two days drying nets


Make a little contribution 添砖加瓦(tiān zhuān jiā wǎ)

Contribute bricks and tiles for a building


On the verge of destruction 危在旦夕(wēi zài dàn xī)

The crisis is in the coming daybreak or in the coming dusk.


5. In English words often being omitted to avoid recurrences and to make the sentence shorter and simpler. In Chinese, in contrast, words are generally not being omitted and instead may be repeated.



It is repeated in order to give the listener or reader clarity of what is being stated. Chinese has a lot of the similar sounding words and therefore need to distinguish the words by repeating the words in a specific sentence frame. Let’s look at some examples:



1. Ambition is the mother of destruction as well as of evil.


(yě xīn bù jǐn shì zuì è de gēn yuán ,tóng shí yě shì huǐ miè de gēn yuán)


2. Reading exercises one’s eyes; speaking, one’s tongue; while writing, one’s mind.


(yuè dú xùn liàn rén de yǎn jīng ,shuō huà xùn liàn rén de kǒu chǐ ,xiě zuò xùn liàn rén de sī wéi)


3. One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy.


(yī gè hé shàng tiāo shuǐ hē ,liǎng gè hé shàng tái shuǐ hē ,sān gè hé shàng méi shuǐ hē)


6. English puts more emphasis on the first part of the sentence while Chinese put the emphasis on the last part of the sentence.



This characteristic is especially apparent in sentences, which include logic with drawing conclusions or expression of results. In English, the conclusion is described first and the facts are described at the end of the sentence. In Chinese it is the opposite. First, the facts will be described then the results, conclusions, and etc. For example:



A. I was all the most delighted when it proved possible to reinstate the visit so quickly as a result of the initiative of your Government.


(yóu yú guì guó zhèng fǔ de tí yì ,cái dé yǐ zhè yàng kuài de chóng xīn shí xiàn fǎng wèn 。zhè shǐ wǒ gǎn dào tè bié gāo xìng。)


B. His assertion that “it was difficult, if not impossible, for a people to enjoy its basic rights unless it was able to determine freely its political status and to ensure freely its economic, social and cultural development” was now scarcely contested.


(rú guǒ yī gè mín zú bù néng zì yóu de jué dìng qí zhèng zhì dì wèi ,bù néng zì yóu de bǎo zhèng qí jīng jì 、shè huì hé wén huà de fā zhǎn ,yào xiǎng shòu qí jī běn quán lì ,jí shǐ bú shì bù kě néng ,yě shì bù róng yì de 。zhè yī lùn duàn jī hū shì wú kě zhì biàn de le。)

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