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Bilingual methods guides foreigners to learn Chinese and Pinyin


b  双唇不送气清塞音。双唇紧闭,阴住气流,然后松开双唇放出气流。声带不振动。

An unaspirated voiceless plosive sound. It is pronounced by keeping the lips tightly closed to block the air, but then opening them to let the air out. The vocal cords do not vibrate.

p  双唇送气清塞音。发音部位与b相同,但要使气流猛地从口中冲出。声带不振动。是与b相对应的送气音。

An unaspirated voiceless plosive sound. It is pronounced in position for "b", but explodes with a strong puff of air. The vocal cords do not vibrate . It is a corresponding sound to "b" but an aspirated one.

m        双唇浊鼻。双唇紧闭,软腭下垂,让气流从鼻腔出来。声带振动。
An unaspirated bilabial nasal. It is pronounced by keeping the lips tightly closed and the soft palate dropped to force the air out through the nose. The vocal cords vibrate.

f        唇齿清擦音。下唇和上齿接触,形成一条狭缝,气流从狭缝中磨擦而出。声带不振动。

An aspirated voiceless alveolar plosive. It is pronoumced by raising the tongne tip against the upper teethridge to block the air and then putting it down to release the air. The vocal cords do not vibrate.


d 舌尖不送气清塞音。舌尖顶住上齿龈,阴住气流,然后移下舌尖,放出气流。声带不振动。

An unaspirated voiceless alveolar plosive. It is pronounced by raising the tongne tip against the upper teethridge to block the air and then putting it down to release the air. The vocal cords do not vibrate .

t 舌尖不送气清塞音。发音部位与d相同,但要使气流猛地从口中冲出。声带不振动。是与d相对的送气音。

An aspirated voiceless alveolar plosive. It is pronounced in position for "d", but explodes with a strong puff of air. It is an aspirated equivalent of "d".


n 舌尖浊鼻音。舌尖位置比"η"稍后,使气流从舌前部两边出来。声带振动。

An voiced alveolar nasal. It is produced by raising the tongue tip against the upper teethridge and dropping the soft palate to allow the air to run out through the nose. The vocal cords vibrate. A voiced alveolar lateral. It is pronounced with the tongue tip a little behind the position for "n" to allow the air to run out from both sides of the blade. The vocal coords vibrate.


l  舌尖浊边音。舌尖位置比n稍后。使气流从舌前部两边出来。声带振动。

A voiced alveolar lateral. It is pronounced with the tongue tip a little behind the position for "n" to allow the air to run out from bothsides of the blade. The vocal cords vibrate.

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