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Learning Chinese makes perfect sense


Caroline is a Year 10 student at YCIS's Gubeicampus.

After having studied Chinese at other schools in Shanghai, I don't know any other school that offers as many different levels of Chinese as YCIS does. This means that each student is placed in a level that is the most beneficial to them, enabling the most efficient learning progress for each student.

Right now I am in a Year 10 Chinese Language and Literature class. My Chinese class is naturally growing more challenging as I am currently enrolled in a (Chinese as a first language) "mother tongue" course. However, I really enjoy the class discussions as everyone is very open and we have lively exchanges and in-depth conversations about all sorts of topics in Chinese.

I am able to use my Chinese skills in daily exchanges, such as in taxis and at restaurants and supermarkets. I also practice speaking Chinese with some of my classmates outside of the classroom.

Learning foreign languages and about other cultures is, in itself, enriching. My Chinese skills will likely be helpful in my future. I might want to apply for internships or do advanced studies in China, and it could help with many of these opportunities. I also think it is very important to be able to speak the language of the country one is living in, as well as to understand the culture. I feel that I could not live in China and not learn Chinese.


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