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Target Group:

This is a course for complete beginners.

How it works:

  1. Before class, we offer a free trial class for every applicant to know more about our teaching situations.
  2. All the applicants will be divided into 3 people group taught by one teacher at a fixed time every week.
  3. In case you miss the weekly live classes, we provide class record of your group for you to follow.

Learning Objectives:

It aims to help participants learn some basic knowledge of Mandarin Chinese and practice daily dialogues.The teaching approach of this course is interactive and mainly focused on building students’ listening and speaking skills. It can expands the ability of reading and writing Chinese characters and also provide some knowledge of Chinese culture.

Learning Outcomes:

Practical skills

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  1. understand the basic Chinese your instructors use in class,conduct simple conversations in Chinese
  2. greet people and introduce yourself and family members
  3. talk about your nationality, occupation and work
  4. learn the numbers and count the amount of something
  5. ask and answer simple questions about yourself and others where necessary, using a mix of Chinese and English
  6. talk about will and ability
  7. express an unhealthy condition and see a doctor
  8. ask and talk about possibility and probability
  9. feel more comfortable using basic Chinese vocabulary
  10. write a short passage about someone’s personal information or hobbies
  11. write a short letter to a friend about your daily life

Linguistic knowledge

Upon completion of this course, you will understand:

  1. Chinese phonetics, tones and rhythms
  2. have an enhanced understanding of Chinese Pinyin system
  3. understand the four basic sentence and six question sentence structures
  4. understand basic simplified Chinese characters up to 250 characters
  5. learn the required vocabulary up to 350 words
  6. Chinese word order

Cultural awareness

Your language learning experience will be complemented with an exploration of culture. You will be exposed to Chinese culture and history, customs and social etiquette, value systems and identities, and some current affairs.

Course Structure:

(1) Warming Up
(2) New Words
(3) Text&Expression
(4) Exercise&Activity
(5) Characters
(6) Culture Corner

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  • $330.00
  • 2 years, 9 months


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