Chinlingo Podcast: Another meaning of ‘有毒’ in Chinese


dà jiā píng shí shàng wǎng kàn shì pín de shí hòu, shì bù shì huì kàn dào yǒu wǎng yǒu píng lùn shuō 'zhè gè shì pín yǒu dú'?


Have you ever noticed any comments like "视频有毒 (this video is 'poisonous')" written by netizens when you're watching online videos?


shén me? shì pín yǒu dú? wéi shén me shì pín huì yǒu dú ne?


What? Why is the video 'poisonous'?


qí shí, zhè lǐ shuō de 'yǒu dú' bìng bù shì zhǐ 'yǒu dú de wù zhì', ér shì yī zhǒng tiáo kǎn fēng qù de shuō fǎ, yòng yú xíng róng xī yǐn rén de liú xíng shì pín, tú piàn huò zhě shì jiàn.


In fact, the "有毒" here is a teasing and humorous wording instead of meaning "toxic substance", which can be used to describe the popular fascinating videos, photos or events.


bǐ rú, nǐ kàn dào yī duàn māo hé gǒu dǎ jià de shì pín, huò zhě yī zhāng ràng nǐ kū xiào bù dé de è gǎo tú piàn, nǐ jué de fēi cháng yǒu qù, kàn le yī biàn yòu yī biàn, nǐ jiù kě yǐ píng lùn shuō 'zhè gè shì pín yǒu dú' huò zhě 'zhè zhāng tú piàn yǒu dú'.


For instance, after watching a video filming a fighting between cats and dogs or a dumbfounding spoof photo, you feel it's kind of funny and watch it over and over again. That's the right situation when you may leave a comment like "这个视频有毒" or "这张图片有毒".


xiàn zài, nǐ men dōu lǐ jiě le 'yǒu dú' shì shén me yì sī le ba. zài kàn kàn xià miàn de zhè gè shì pín, nǐ huò xǔ jiù néng gèng xíng xiàng de lǐ jiě wéi shén me 'zhè gè shì pín yǒu dú' le!


Now you all must get what the word "有毒" means. Watch the video below and you'll visually understand why the video is "poisonous".


[Key Words]

视频 (shì pín), video

图片 (tú piàn), photo

有趣 (yǒu qù), funny

恶搞 (è gǎo), spoof

The article is translated and editted by Chinlingo. Please indicate the source for any use, reproduction or transfer. 


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