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3 uses of Chinese character “和”

and in chinese, chinese characters, learning chinese

Whenever you need to list nouns, whether two of them or more, 和 (hé) is there to help you out.



The most common way to express "and" in Chinese is with 和 (hé). It's important to note that 和 (hé) is mainly used to link nouns. This is how you should use it exclusively as you get used to it. Don't try to link verbs (or whole sentences) with 和 (hé).



Noun 1 + 和 + Noun 2


Here are two English examples of what you should and shouldn't try to express with 和 (hé):



I went to the store and bought some gum. (Don't use 和 (hé) for this "and"! "Went to the store" and "bought some gum" are both verb phrases, not nouns.)

我去商店买了些口香糖。(不要把“和”看作是这里的“and”,“went to store”和“bought some gum”都是动词词组,不是名词。)


I like to eat cucumbers and cheese. (This one is good! "Cucumbers" and "cheese" are both nouns, so you can use 和 (hé) here.)





我 和他 都 不 去。

wǒ hé tā dōu bù qù.

Neither he nor I will go.


老板 喜欢 咖啡 和 茶。

lǎobǎn xǐhuan kāfēi hé chá.

Boss likes both coffee and tea.


他 和 他 女朋友 都 喜欢 中国 菜。

tā hé tā nǚ péngyou dōu xǐhuan Zhōngguó cài.

His girlfriend and he both like Chinese food.


去年 和 今年 你们 都 在 纽约 吗?

qùnián hé jīnnián nǐmen dōu zài niǔyuē ma?

Were you in New York both last year and this year?


蔬菜 和 肉 我 都 喜欢 吃 。

shūcài hé ròu wǒ dōu xǐhuan chī.

I like to eat both vegetables and meat.


英语 和 法语你 都 会 说 吗?

yīngyǔ hé fǎyǔ nǐ dōu huì shuō ma?

Can you speak both English and French?


You could do just fine only using 和 to connect nouns and noun phrases, and native speakers may prefer not to use 和 in some of the examples sentences given below.



Verb1 + 和 + Verb2


In most cases, the following trends apply when 和 is used to connect verbs:



The two verbs are very similar in nature. This could include characteristics such as level of structure and scope. Thus "唱歌和跳舞" is natural (both are separable verbs, equally informal, frequently used together), whereas "玩游戏和跑" (the structure of the two is very different) is quite awkward.



Both verbs share the same object (e.g. "管理和运营着家公司") or are both modified by the same adverbial phrase (e.g. "进一步地了解和交流").



Adj1 + 和 + Adj2


In most cases, at least one of the following trends apply when 和 is used to connect adjectives:



The two adjectives do not act as the predicate of the sentence, but instead act as an attributive (coming before a noun), object (coming after a verb), or other sentence element.



我 就是 喜欢 她 任性 和 调皮,怎么了?

wǒ jiù shì xǐ huān tā rèn xìng hé tiáo pí, zěn me le?

I just simply like her wilful and naughty, so what?


她 安静 和 甜美 的笑容让我觉得温暖。

tā ān jìng hé tián měi de xiào róng ràng wǒ jué dé wēn nuǎn.

Her peaceful and sweet smile make me feel warm.

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